Dynamic Nature of a Resource

  • Cork's Usage

    Cork can be used to make bulletin and floor or wall tiles. It also can be used for fishing floats and handles for fishing rods.
  • What is Sustainability?

    It is the ability to be maintained and exist constantly. It's the ability to drive innovation while also not compromising our way of life.
  • Cork's Renewability

    Cork is a renewable resource, as it comes from nature itself. Cork is taken from the thick tree bark of cork oak trees, and they're able to grow back within 9-12 years. Also, the trees do not need to be cut down either for cork to be taken, helping more cork production in the future.
  • Are all resources natural capital?

    Yes, as these resources (regardless if renewable or not) are able to be used in some way. This counts for things such as soil but also minerals and chemicals.
  • Has this resource been used sustainably?

    Yes, cork comes from trees, and while getting the cork, whole trees are not cut down. Rather, they strip the pieces of tree bark carefully. It is one of the most eco-friendly resources due to it being highly renewable.
  • Cork's Sustainability

    Cork is highly sustainable, along with the transport it takes for it to be transported. The harvesting of cork is mostly through manual labor, other than perhaps a tractor to drive the wood to a central location. There's no need for pesticides, irrigation, soil preparation, and no need for chemicals as well. Only chemicals needed are safe, such as hydrogen peroxide.