Dynamic Nature of a Resource (Lithium)

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    How is this a Resource

    A resource can be considered a source in which some sort of benefit can be made. Lithium can be classified as a resource as it can be used to treat various medical conditions as well as some other everyday objects. This element can be found natually in deposits in rocks and in the water.
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    Are all resources natural capital

    I don't believe all resources are natural capital. Natural capital is defined as "nature's assets" or in other words things that you can find out in nature. Many of the resources that people use in everyday life are natural which would characterize them as natural capital but I do believe other man-made objects can still be resources.
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    Over time, has this resource been used sustainably? How has this changed over time? What factors have impacted this resource (cultural, social, economic, environmental, technological, and/or political)

    The need for lithium for the use of making high-quality batteries has caused a large surge of mining for the element. Due to this process, a large number of co2 admissions have been put into the atmosphere causing the planet harm. As technology advances these batteries will become more efficient slowing down the rate at which lithium is needed for these batteries. Due to technological advancements that will continue to occur not only will the longevity of lithium be sustained.
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    What is sustainablility

    Sustainability is the ability to maintain at a level that doesn't jeopardize the futures availability of such resources. This connects to the natural capital of the world because it is our duty as a human to protect these natural resources so that the future generations are able to prosper.
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    Is lithium renewable

    Lithium is non-renewable as there is a set amount of it in the Earth. This element is not able to be regrown so this means that people have to be conscious when mining it so that we as humans can make it last for the longest amount of time that we can. Another solution is to find a renewable resource that is able to take the job of lithium to ensure its saftey for the future.
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    How has the extraction, transport, and processing of this resource changed it’s sustainability

    The extraction of the element of lithium uses large machinery that burns fossil fuels causing an increase of greenhouse gasses. The ironic part is that the lithium is being used as a battery that directly combats the burning of fossil fuels. This sort of circle is made as that even though we think lithium is helping it is also harming the environment as well. This connects to lithiums sustainability because as this process increases and the need for batteries increases so does the lithium used.