Dylans American History Timeline

  • Decrelation of independence

    Decrelation of independence
    It was a document that said we were no longer apart England.If it wasnt singed we would be apart of england. This wouldnt be america any more
  • The American and French Revolution

    The American and French Revolution
    They rebelled against the Britsh King because they felt that the laws were not fair.If it didnt happen the United States would not be independent.
  • Period: to

    Dylans timeline

    A time line that shows events
  • The louisiana Purchase

    The louisiana Purchase
    War happened in Europe which forced them to sell the land for 15 million dollars. If that never happened there would be less states and less land.
  • The Iniana Removal Act

    The Iniana Removal Act
    When Indiana Removal act happened they were sent to live in Oklahoma. If that would never happen we would have less land and more indian around.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    When some of people started working in a factory and alot of perople started coming into cities.If that never happened we would have less cloth making and textiles.
  • The civil war

    The civil war
    It was between the Northern states and the Cofederacy erupted.The war lasted 4 years. Ther wouldnt be as much cotton and there would be slaves now.
  • Moving to the west

    Moving to the west
    Came west and the united stated gave therm free land.If they didnt come there we wouldnt have as much railroads all around the united states.
  • New Territories

    New Territories
    When the united states expaned beyond its continental boarders.We wouldnt have as much land or we wouldnt have a strong ecomony, and military.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    It was a war between Germany, America, Central powers, Ausria, Hungary, and Turkey, Great Britan, and France.If we would of lost women wouldnt be as free and couldnt vote. People wouldnt of bought as much stuff.
  • Great Deprestion

    Great Deprestion
    Every one was losing there job banks were closing people lost their farm, and there savings. If that never happened the jobs would be fine and nothing would be as exspensive.
  • Cival Rights

    Cival Rights
    when the black people people were treated unfair. They had bad water fountaines and if they went to school they would have a bad school and have all of the old stuff. The cival rights movement is when Rosa park stood in her seat and didnt give it to a white person. If that didnt happen blacks still would of been treated bad.