Dylan Bryant Digital Art (Fractal/Algorithmic Art)

  • First Work of Algorithmic Art by Frieder Nake

    First Work of Algorithmic Art by Frieder Nake
    Nake produced the first ever piece of algorithmic art. The piece was titled "Computer-grafik" and demonstrated not only the first use of algorithmic art, but also digital art.
  • The School of the Art Institute of Chicago created the department "Generative Systems"

    The School of the Art Institute of Chicago created the department "Generative Systems"
    When the school first introduced this department it really brought generative art into the eyes of the public, and encouraged its creation with this whole new department. The department focused mainly on the use of new technologies in creating artwork.
  • Paul Neagu founded the Generative Art Group in Britain

    A "group" where Paul Neagu was the only real member but used it to inform other people about generative art. (generative art is the same as algorithmic art.)
  • Clauser H.R. defines and solidifies what it takes for an art piece to be considered Generative Art

    Clauser H.R. discussed the principles of a generative art piece. The most important rule is that the art must not be created by the artist, but rather the art is created by an algorithm which was created by the artist. To put it simply, the artist creates the algorithm and the algorithm creates the art work.
  • The first meeting about Generative Art

    The first meeting about Generative Art
    The first meeting about Generative Art was held in Italy by communities of generative artists and creators. More of these meetings are held occasionally to discuss generative art.