

  • New Economic policy

    New Economic policy
    The NEP was a modified version of the old capitalist system
  • ussr created

    ussr created
    Lenin and communists created ussr "union of soviet socialist republics
  • Lenin died

    Lenin died
    Lenin died from 3 strokes but he had neurosyphilis an infection in the brain
  • Trotsky

    group led by leon trotsky wanted to end the NEP
  • five year plan

    five year plan
    set economic goals to transform russia into an industrial country
  • Take over

    Take over
    joseph stalin takes over
  • collectivization

    was a system in which private farms were eliminated
  • positive effects

    positive effects
    5 year plan helped pull the economy back together
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    stalin killed over 8 million people