Dwight D Eisenhower

  • Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower is born

    Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower is born
  • Joins US Military

    Joins US Military
    Working in logistics at Fort Sam Houston
  • Period: to

    "Supreme Commander" of Allied Expeditionary forces

    Commanded mass attacks such as Operation Torch
  • Becomes the Military Governor

    Becomes the Military Governor
    Dwight D Eisenhower was given the position of Military Governor United States occupies section of West Germany
  • Eisenhower becomes president

    Eisenhower becomes president
    ...of the University of Columbia
  • Begins Presidential Race

    Begins Presidential Race
    The tagline being "I Like Ike".
  • Voted in and sworn to Office

    Voted in and sworn to Office
    The tagline worked
  • Addresses the Public of Armistance

    Addresses the Public of Armistance
    Eisenhower addresses American public on the Korean war Armistice. A cease fire that is still going on today.
  • First Televised Press Conference

    First Televised Press Conference
  • Announces 2nd Term For Office

    Announces 2nd Term For Office
  • Finishes 2nd/Final term

    Finishes 2nd/Final term
  • End of a Legend

    End of a Legend
    Eisenhower dies at the age of 78 in Washington DC