Synopsis Dwayne johnson was born in a house of professional wrestlers. In 1972. An injury ended his college football career.After he couldn’t play football he started wrestling as “The Rock”
Early life young Johnson grew up watching his father Rocky Johnson perform in the ring. Nio plans to follow in his footsteps, Johnson played college football at the University of Miami but then he got a back injury and he couldn’t play football again.
The Rock Johnson went to wrestling, starting against the Brooklyn Brawler at Texas. After a couple more matches, including a tag team win with Bart Sawyer, the WWF signed him under the name Flex Kavana. he turned into “the rock”
acting Outside the ring, The Rock has launched a successful acting career, dropping the stage name and simply going by Dwayne Johnson. He first made a big splash as the Scorpion King, a supernatural bad guy, in 2001's The Mummy Returns