Sep 15, 1254
Marco Polo
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant and explorer who was the first to travel across Asia through China. Him and his father spent about 24 years traveling. While traveling through Asia, his father taught him about trading. Click here for more information! -
Jan 1, 1450
John Cabot
John Cabot was an Italian explorer who discovered partf of North America. He was said to have been the first European to encounter with the continent of North America since the Vikings! Click here for more information! -
Dec 31, 1491
Jacques Cartier
Cartier was a French explorer who was the first to make a map of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the shores of the Saint Lawrence River. He also claimed Canada. Click here for more information! -
Jan 1, 1540
Francis Drake
Drake was en engish sea captian, navigator, privateer, slaver & politician. He was second in command of the english fleet against the spanish armads, and he also led the second expediton to sail around the world, lasting 3 years. Click here for more information! -
Jan 1, 1554
Walter Raleigh
In 1578, Raleigh sailed to America with his half brother. This expedition caused him to want to find a colony. In 1585, he found the first english colony in America on Roanoke island, now known as North Carolina. Click here for more information -
Sep 12, 1565
Henry Hudson
Hudson was an english exlporer that explored parts of the Arctic Ocean and Northeastern North America. Henry Hudson had many landmarks named after him such as the Hudson Bay, Hudson River & the Hudson Strait. Click here for more information! -
Jul 3, 1567
Samuel de Champlain
From 1604 ro 1607, Champlains uncle in law gave him the opportunity to accompany him. He explored northern Florida and then established the French settlement which is now known as Quebec City. He was the first explorer to explore the Great Lakes. Click here for more information! -
James Cook
Cook was a British explorer, navigator, and cartographer who made detailed maps of Newfoundland after making voyages to the Pacific Ocean. He was the first European to come in contact with the coastline of Australia and the Hawaiin islands. Click here for more information! -
George Vancouver
George Vancouver was captain of the British expedition in the Pacific in 1972. In April, George entered the Strait of Juan de Fuca. He named every mountain, island, waterway & point of land in sight. Then Vancouver was sent to explore the coast far north along Alaska. In the end, he determined that the Northwest Passage did not exist. Click here for more information! -
Leif Ericson
Leif Ericson is reguarded as the first European explorer to land in north america before Christopher Columbus. He established the settlement at Vinland, located on the northern tip of Newfoundland in modern day canada. Click here for more information!