Period: Nov 26, 1000 to
The natives
The natives are the first inhabitants of North America before the Europeans arrived. The were two types of natieves, Iroquuois and Algonquins. The iroquois were semi-senditary and the ALgonquins were nomads. The Iroquois were a matriarchy as oppose to the algonquiens who were a patriarchy. -
Oct 3, 1534
Jacques Cartier
Jacques Cartier first arrived in the gulf of the St-Laurence. The following year he founded Quebec -
Trading Post-100 Associates
Samuel de Champlain set u a tradin post at Quebc city. The tradin post that Samuel de Champlain created turned entually into New-France. AFter this period, the fur trade starts develloping. -
Laviloette founds Trois-Rivieres. -
Maisonneuve has founded Montreal. -
Louis 14
Louis 14 came into power. He realised that his colony (New France) wasn't develloping because of constant native attacks so the people were scared so he dispacthed an army . He destroyed the old system such as getting rid of the old monopolies. -
Royal Government
In this year, Louis 14 decided to implement the Royal Governemnt. Governor-highest rank, commander of army, defense, dealt with external affairs (English colonies, Natives)
Intendant-most influential, chief administrator, controlled budget, collecting taxes, justice, seigniorial system, built roads, set up industries
Bishop-appointed by the Pope, administered over Parish Priests, hospitals, schools, charities
Captain Militia.
Seigneurie System -
Filles du roy, Seigneurie
The seigneurie system was in place. The intendant, Jean Talon, realised that New-France wasn't develloping so he decided to send Filles Du Roy. Soldiers were offered to stay In N.F. Payments were given to families with numerous chidren. Fathers with un-married girls payed fines and bachelors over 21 were fined as well. -
Period: to
Seven Years War In Europe
This war is happening in Europe between England and France. -
Period: to
Seven Years War In North America
Battle Planes of Abraham. Quebec is capitulated by the English. The war still goes on for 3 more years in Europe.
1.The French Militia could return home, no one would lose their property
2.The French Regular military would lay down their arms and leave.
3.The people could practice the R.C. religion, but the Bishop would have to leave.
4. The people who stayed would become British Subjects. -
People are becoming canadian -
Treaty Of Paris- Royal Proclamation
This document states that New-France accepts that it has been capitulated and this is when ROyal Proclomation Starts. The colony is now called Quebec. Decreases borders. Governor who appointed of the Executive Council. No new Bishop. No roman catholics could hold power (Test Act). Goal to assimilate the French. -
James Murray-Guy Carleton
French were lucky to have him because of his policies. He is sent back England because the British merchants wer unhappy. Guy Carleton, the next guy in charge adopts the same attitude as James. -
Quebec Act
This is the treaty that grants some leaniency towards the french inhabitants giving them the choice to be governed under french civil laws, test act oath (oath of allegiance to the king). They did so to gain french loyalty and enlarged quebec territory. -
American Revolution
Americans asked the French Canadians for help but they said no due to the Act of Quebec. They were upset and attacked QUebec several times. -
Traite de Versailles
This officially recognized the United States as independant country -
Consitutional Act
This splitCanada into Upper (ENglish) and Lower (French) Canada. On the french side, it was run under french civil laws, religion was the same and people could be part of the administration. -
Timber started to replaced fur as the main export to build ships -
War of 1812
This was basically the United States fighting agaisnt Canada because it was the closest colony linked to britain. Nothing happened the war just sopped because it was going nowhere. -
Two parties
Two parties had been formed because of the representive government. The British Party and the Parti Canadien. -
92 Resolutions
The demand for a responsible government has been sent to the King but were responded by saying no in the 10 resolutions by Russel. This was the start of the rebellions. Lord Durham was sent to investigate and he said to give them a responsible government wouldn't change much so do i. He also said to unite the two Canandas to assimilate the french and he said to increase immigration -
Bishops became more a dn more powerful and the cures became the most important people in the parish -
Act of Union
This united the two Canadas. -
Responsible government
National Policy
John A. Macdonald puts in place the national policy to improve the economy.
The poilcy consisted of:
-Increasing cutsoms and duties
-Build Railways
-Encourage immigration -
Treaty of Reciprocity
This was a deal to do buisness with the United STates because England basically abandoned Canada. this lasted only ten years. -
The Constituion
All the provinces in canada united and formed one country. This happened due to three conferences (Charlottetown, Quebec CIty and London) -
New-Brunskwick is part of the confederation. -
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia is part of the Confederation. -
Manitoba joins Canada. -
Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories joins Canada. -
Period: to
First phase industrialisation
This si the beginning of urbanisation which is the rural people moving more towards the cities. Living condistions during this time were very difficult and dangerous. Women also had a very toughh life. -
Britsh-Columbia joins Canada. -
Alberta joins Canada. -
Period: to
This is world war one in Europe. SInce Britain was at war, this forced Canada to join in as well. The home effort was massive.Factories who werebuiling chairs started to for eample build bombs. Conscription was in place. French were upset because of this. The two sides were nationalist or imperialist. -
The Great Depression
This is when the stock market crashed. People were buying shares into companies because of the end of the war which cuased massive spending but then this all came to an abrupt end. The main solutions were public work camps, direct aid and encourage farming. The soltuion that solved the great depression was public works. -
Statue of Westminister
Gave federal government power over foreigh affairs -
Period: to
This is the second World war. Conscription isn't as powerful as before. Women are now more active. More prosperity after the war. Canada was more independant and went to war because they wanted to. -
Period: to
Maurice Dupplesis
He was a very traditional leader and he wanted quebec to be old again. He gave many powers to the Catholic church such as education which was originally removed from them. He gave power to farmers whcih encourgaed rural life. He liked the government to be involved as little as possible to he even put in place a provincial tax. He also didn't support unions. -
Newfoundland joins Canada. -
Constitutional Act
Canada can change the constitution and adopts a new charter of rights -
Nunavut joins Canada.