Duel Credit Timeline

  • signing of The Declaration of Indepeance

    signing of The Declaration of Indepeance
    Hamilton did not sign the declaration of independence seeing as he was only 21 , but he was considered a founding father.
  • Right-hand man

    Right-hand man
    Hamilton served as Washington's Right hand man in the revolutionary war.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Hamilton lead an assault against the british at The Battle of Yorktown.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Hamilton became a delegate of the constitutional convention.
  • The Federalist Papers

    The Federalist Papers
    Hamilton, James Madison, and John J. all wrote a part of the Federalist Papers.
  • Secretary of Treasury

    Secretary of Treasury
    Hamilton was appointed Washington's first Secretary of Treasury of the United States.
  • Bank of United States

    Bank of United States
    The first bank of the United States is established.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion starts, Hamilton plays a crucial role in its suppression.
  • Jefferson becomes president

    Jefferson becomes president
    Hamiltons influence helps jefferson become president.
  • Hamilton's Death

    Hamilton's Death
    Hamilton is killed in a duel against Burr.