Ducdame Literary Development Calendar

  • Research begins

    We will read various books (fiction and non fiction), plays, and poems with an eye toward possible development for the company.
  • First Development Session

    The Development Director and company members will have an opportunity to present works for future development to the group and make arguments for certain projects.
  • Second Development Session

    Each company member will present a list of three top choices for development. From those ranked lists. We will establish the 5 most preferential projects for development. Members will have the next month to research and form ideas around each potential project.
  • First Project Selected

    A first project will be chosen based on a vote by the company members. A second project may also be selected for further development at a later date.
  • Writer Chosen

    The person responsible for writing the work will be chosen and the writer and Lit Dev director will create a plan and schedule for development workshops and writing deadlines
  • Workshop Planning

    The company will establish the goals for a developmental workshop, and the writer will create prompts and choose themes and areas of focus. A director will be chosen.
  • Workshop

    A workshop of the new work will take place. All company members will be invited to attend.
  • Writing Continues

    The writer finishes a first draft.
  • Company read through

    The company reads the work-in-progress. Notes. Revisions.
  • Second Company Read Through

    Company reads the next draft. More notes and changes. Revisions.
  • Invited Reading

    An invited public reading of the work to finalize the script for production.
  • Finished Production Draft of Script

    The production draft is finished with an eye toward a summer 2018 production.