Dresden Generating Station

  • Unit one entered comerical service

    Unit one entered comerical service
    Dresden was the first nuclear power plant that was built without government funding.
  • Unit Two entered commercial service

    Unit Two entered commercial service
    Unit 2 generates 869 megwatts of power.
  • Unit two commission

    Unit two commission
    Unit Two started to make their nuclear energy.
  • Unit Three entered commercial service

    Unit Three entered commercial service
    Unit 3 generates 871 megawatts of power.
  • Unit Three commission

    Unit Three commission
  • Unit 1 retires

    Unit 1 retires
    Unit 1 had a history of leaks, erosion in piping, and fuel failures.
  • NRC grants extensions for Dresden's units.

    NRC grants extensions for Dresden's units.
    Units 2 and 3 recieved a 20-year extension of operation.
  • Dresden renews licenses.

    Dresden renews licenses.
    Exelon was granted the permission to run the units for at least twenty more years.
  • 14,384,858 megawatts is produced.

    14,384,858 megawatts is produced.
    Dresden generated 14 and a half million megawatts, that can power up to 1.5 million homes.
  • Diesel pumps checked.

    Diesel pumps checked.
    Units 2 and 3 went through test for their diesel pumps.
  • Safety inspection

    Safety inspection
    Most recent safety check done at Dresden.
  • NRC delivers information..

    NRC delivers information..
    Stating that U.S nuclear safety goals are insufficient.
  • Vice President of Exelon, Kathleen Barron testifies...

    Vice President of Exelon, Kathleen Barron testifies...
    Barron testified that electric utility industry can comply with the E.P.A's clean air rules to the federal energy regulartory commission.
  • License expiration for Unit Two

    License expiration for Unit Two
    Unit 2 expires in 2029.
  • License expiration for Unit Three

    License expiration for Unit Three
    Unit 3 expires in 2031.