Period: to
Dredsen Generating Station
From when the station started to when the units are to be shutdown. -
Start of station
Dresden Generating Station in Grundy County IL is the United States first full-scale privately financed power plant which started in 1960 -
Unit 2 began generating
This is the day that unit 2 started running and its generates about 870 mw of power. -
Unit 3 began running
This unit also generates about 870 mw of power. 1 meagwatt can power 1000 homes. So just 1 unit can power thousands of homes. -
The day Unit 1 was shutdown
This unit was retired because it had a lot of problems going on with it fuel failures, erosion in pipes and a few steam leaks.This is down designated as a Nuclear Historic Landmark by the American Nuclear Society. -
NRC Revision
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the revision of Unit 1 in 2035 and 2036 -
Nuclear Regulatory Commission renews
In 2004 the N.R.C. renewed operating licenses for units 2 and 3 for an extra 20 years. This extends them to 2030 and 2031, both of these units can generate a total of 1,740 MW of power and power more than 1.5 million homes -
On this day Dredsen donated $207,000 to different local charities to help improve the community -
Diesel Pumps
This is when units 2 and 3 went under multiple tests on their diesel pumps, making sure everything was working right. -
Dresden will be added to Exelon's portfolio. -
Safety first
This was the most recent saftey inspection done at Dresden, a lot of different test were done to ensure the saftey of workers. -
Unit 2
This is when Unit 2 will be retired because of licensing agreements. -
Unit 3 retirement
This is when Unit 3 needs to be shutdown due to licenses agreements.