
  • 6 BCE


    Breif Overview: Often had a small cast, performed outdoors in amphitheatres.
    Playwrights: Thespis, Euripides and Sophocoles
    Time: 6th century BCE
    1. Usually in the form of a tragedy or comedy
    2. used masks
    3. chorus
  • 1544

    Commedia del' arte

    Time: 1545
    Overview: Improvised in theatrical form through characterization of stock characters. Italian theatre.
    Playwrights: Andrea Calmo
    1. Stock Characters (eg. Il Dittore)
    2. Half Masks
    3. Lazzi
  • 1560


    Time: 1558-1603
    Overview: Shakespearian times were while Queen Elizabeth the 1st reigned England and King James.
    Playwrights: Shakespeare
    1. Soliloquies
    2. Asides
    3. Old English Language
    4. gender swapping roles
  • Melodrama

    Time: late 18th early 19th century
    Overview: Originated in France in the 18th century, became popular in the 18th century, was characterized through exaggerated plot lines and characters.
    Playwrights: Wilson Barret, Douglas William Jerald.
    1. stock characters
    2. end with good winning over evil
    3. sensationalized plots
  • Realism

    Time: 1840
    Overview: During this time, people were more attracted to plays with realistic plots and characters they could sympathies with.
    1. Recognizable settings
    2. contemporary world
    3. colloquial
  • Expressionism

    Time: 1905
    Overview: This theatre embraced playwrights beliefs and power to make change, this was done through disjointed scenes.
    Playwrights: Augusto Boal, Dario Fo and Bertolo Brecht
    1. Vermfremdungs effecte = strobe lighting, random music breaks, mechanical voices
    2. placards
    3. humour
    4. gestus