Born and Grew up on farm
Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Hermosa, Chicago, Illinois. He grew up on a farm and had to take care of many different kinds of animals. This environment influenced his art, by using many of the animals he knew well in his animated cartoons. -
After serving as a ambulance driver in World War I, Walt worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company with Ub lwerks. They later decided to create their own company called Laugh-O-gram. -
Moved to Hollywood
Walt and his brother moved to Hollywood in 1973, with his brother Roy. This is where his career started and eventually took off. -
Alice Comedies
Soon after moving to Hollywood, Walt and his brother founded the Walt Disney Company. Their first contract was to create the short animated films of Alice Comedies. -
Steam Boat Willie
The well known cartoon, Mickey Mouse was Walt's first successful creation. Mickey's first name was Mortimer Mouse, but it was later changed to "Mickey". Steam Boat Willie was the first fully synchronized sound cartoon and it became popular everywhere. -
Silly Symphony Cartoons
Walt's next series, "Silly Symphony", was a major hit and took off like crazy! It also included the first full-color cartoon and the first film to win an Academy award. -
Animation School
Walt Disney greatly believed in education for animators, in which he later opened an animation school in his Hollywood studio. Not only did the training that his workers received help with the quality of Disney films, but it also elevated industry standards. In 1961, he also led the establishment of a college-level professional school that specialized in creative and performing arts in Valencia. -
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Preparing to create his first full-length film, Walt Disney created the first short animated film to use the multiplane camera technique. He then later created the first ever full-length animated featured film, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." This was the breaking point for all future animated films. -
Legacy for All
Finally in the summer of 1955, Walt Disney opened his first theme park, "Disneyland". He later opened a much bigger park in Florida called, "Walt Disney World." He not only created a whole new world of animation, creativity and film, he also left a legacy for all people to enjoy for years and years to come. -
Mary Poppins
Last but not least, Mary Poppins was just one of the many live actions films Disney created in his lifetime. But it wasn't just a live action film, it was also one of the first films to combine both live action and animated characters, winning five Academy Awards. This was one of the last great achievements that Walt was alive for. -
Walt Disney's Impact
Although Walt died in 1966, his legacy never did. He took the next great step for all future films. Now look where we are today, because of Walt Disney the world has been able to enjoy incredible entertainment and film everywhere.