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Cornerstone 514

Doty's Detectives: On the Scene 2011-2012

  • Period: to

    School Year

  • We've Got the Whole World ...

    We've Got the Whole World ...
  • We Will Survive!

    We Will Survive!
  • Welcome Back Wednesday

    Welcome Back Wednesday
    It is our first Team Works day, which makes Wednesday the favorite day of the week :)
  • Apple Picking at Honey Pot

    Apple Picking at Honey Pot
  • Happy Halloween

    Happy Halloween
    We should have worn costumes ;)
  • Santa's Elves

    Santa's Elves
  • National Geography Bee Finalists

    National Geography Bee Finalists
  • Peqot Museum

    Peqot Museum
  • Super Bowl Party: Go Pats!

    Super Bowl Party: Go Pats!
  • Boston Museum of Science

    Boston Museum of Science
  • Happy Valentine's Day

    Happy Valentine's Day
  • Connecticut Science Center

    Connecticut Science Center