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By Dora23
  • 17,000 BCE

    Caves of Lascaux

    Caves of Lascaux
    The Caves of Lascaux showed us how the nomadic people lived. The caves tell stories and explain history. It was rediscovered in 1940 and visited between 17,000 and 15,000BCE.
  • 17,000 BCE

    Caves of Lascaux PART II

    Caves of Lascaux PART II
    The caves are located in southwest France, near Montignac. The 600 plus paintings were painted during 17,000 and 15,000BCE and rediscovered in 1940. The paintings usually depicted their life, some paintings showed people with spears, so we infer war or hunting. They show horses and bison, those animals most likely dominated the landscape. One interesting segment revealed that many generations traveled there every year. Similar to migration or a vacation if being compared to modern times.
  • 800 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greece immensely furthered human advancement, in fact, Greece introduced the worlds first democracy, focused on the importance of art, and housed revolutionary thinkers. Such as Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.
  • 800 BCE

    Ancient Greece PART II

    Ancient Greece PART II
    The Ancient Greece empire ruled from 800 and was brought down by Romans in about 130BCE.One of their most famous cities is Athens, and it's for a reason, Athens introduced the first democracy. Although it was not a true democracy because women and slaves could not vote, Athens still gets credit for producing the system. Greece is also known for their ahead of time thinking, but recognition is mostly given to Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.
  • 753 BCE

    The Roman Empire

    The Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire conquered, created, and controlled. During their conquests, they overtook Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, part of Africa, whats north of Italy, and the southern UK. That was in their prime. Along with that accomplishment, they created the code of laws, whats in them are still regarded today. And managed to completely switch up their government.
  • 753 BCE

    The Roman Empire PART II

    The Roman Empire PART II
    The Roman Empire accomplished so much, the earliest is when in 509BCE they changed up their government by switching to a republic from a monarchy.Another feat is one we still refer to today, the twelve tables, they stated that all free citizens had the right to be treated equally. In 200BCE is when Rome began conquering territory in the Mediterranean area. Even though they were taking their territory the Romans allowed those people to become Roman citizens. Their land owning peak was in 200CE.
  • 500

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    The Middle Ages weren't known for advancement, in fact, the only new thing to arise out of this age was feudalism. there was a huge unbalance in power makng the middle ages extreamly harsh and bleak. 500CE to 1500AD.
  • 500

    Middle Ages PART II

    Middle Ages PART II
    Feudalism. The Middle Ages, or Dark Ages, was where feudalism caught on. Essentially the king has all the power, it can be described as a pyramid.The king was at the top, he gave land to the nobles, the nobles then contributed to the military. On the bottom were the peasants, they provided labor for the kings, nobles, and church leaders.
  • 1096


    The Crusades was a fight of the holy land and religion, or religious wars as some people describe them. Muslim vs Christianity. It took place from 1096 to 1291 and it greatly impacted Europe during the 12th and 13th century.
  • 1291

    Crusades PART II

    Crusades PART II
    The Muslims had control over the holy land,so the Christians became frustrated.The Christians fought for the holy land,but were only part-way successful, and in the end it didn't matter because the Muslims reclaimed most of the land again. The Crusades affected the world later on, the reason that some flags have crosses on them is a symbol of Christianity.A positive impact included Muslim countries started trading with Europe, which in turn boosted Europe economy and brought back many new items.
  • 1350


    The Renaissance was the time between 1350 and 1550. It was a time of change, rebirth. Life was thriving, scholars, artists, poets, sculptors, and painters. New jobs, and new inventions. The Reniasannse was huge in Italy, it later spread to other European countries.
  • 1350

    Renaissance PART II

    Renaissance PART II
    Life was thriving in Italy. After the devastating Black Death came more involvement in arts and learning. Major influencers of that time period were Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. People were also increasingly becoming more interested in knowing which furthered progress. More and more people became interested in religion too. The printing press was on of the revolutionary inventions, it helped because more and more people were interested in knowledge. It was created by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • 1517


    Essentially the Reformation was all about a new idea of religion. Martin Luther had a different view of what the church should be, major leaders disagreed but some people completely agreed. Overall it broke Europe's church system. It started in 1517.
  • 1517

    Reformation II

    Reformation II
    The reformation began in 1517. When Martin Luther disagreed with the churches practices, he tried to tell the pope, but the pope didn't accept the way Martin Luther was thinking. So he took it into his own hands. He made the 95 Theses, a list of questions and propositions for the church,the church responded by having Pope Leo X tell him to retract 41 of his 95 theses, when he refused he was asked to leave the church. He then started a religion called Protestant, that gained followers quickly.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    This is the era where people were creating machines to reduce cost and time, with that new jobs opened up and cities soon became overcrowded. The Industrial Revolution is said to last between 1760 to 1840.
  • Industrial Revolution PART II

    Industrial Revolution PART II
    This man was awesome because his name is Thomas Crapper. He started a company that dealt with toilets, his contribution was popularizing the idea of installing toilets inside peoples homes,also refining and developing improvements to existing plumbing and sanitary fittings.Life without indoor pluming would be bleak.The train was also coined,this improved trade throughout Europe.Even though machines improved farming,people still moved to the cities for jobs and the cities soon became overcrowded.