

  • Period: to

    before holocaust

    this part will show life before the holocaust and rule of hitler and the nazi party
  • hitlers appointment as chancellor

    hitlers appointment as chancellor
    in 1933 Hitler was appointed as chancellor of Germany starting his rule over germany.
  • Nuremburg laws passed

    Nuremburg laws passed
    in 1935 the Nuremburg laws passed limiting what jew people could do and taking there rights away
  • formation of rome-berlin axis

    formation of rome-berlin axis
    the formation of the rome-berlin axis was a military coalition that started world war 2 and fought against the allies.
  • Buchenwald concentration camps open

    Buchenwald concentration camps open
    this camp was one of the first and largest camps in Nazi Germany
  • the jewish expelled

    the jewish expelled
    17000 polish Jewish men and women were expelled from Nazi Germany
  • jewish ghetto

    jewish ghetto
    over 500,000 Jewish people were sealed in the Warsaw Jewish ghetto
  • Period: to

    during holocaust

    this will show what is happening in nazi germany during the holocaust
  • extermination

    the extermination of the jewish began as hitler gathered them in in camps and sent them to gas chambers to be executed
  • the end of the holocaust

    the end of the holocaust
    after all the death marches begin for the inmates of the camps this marks the end of the holocaust and killing of over 5,000,000 jewish men women and children