Donna Haraway

By JonesJ
  • Birth

    Donna Haraway was born on September 6, 1944 in Denver Colorado.
  • Crystals, fabrics, and fields: Metaphors of organicism in twentieth century developmental biology

    In this work Haraway looks into the shift from vitalism and mechanism to organicism.
  • Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science

    Donna Haraway published her study of primatology in 1986. She compared the relationship between human and animal. From the comparison she tied the data to modern society.
  • Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature

    A collection of essays from Haraway that speaks on topics in western society. The book is written to challenge the norm of western society by bringing feminist views to light.
  • Work Cited