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The Cyborg Manifesto
"A beautiful vision"
Donna Haraway is a Feminist philosopher that believes in a world that can be freed from any tyrannical science that binds us to binary definitions (Haraway, 1988). This “post-structuralism” ideology is a paradigm shift in the way that individuals see themselves as more altruistic and not simply a biological unit intertwined through natural history (Haraway, 1991). -
"Execution of theory"
The flaws to this theory are the environmental influences that impact every individual in a different manner. An objective can be established but the manner in achieving the goal can vary because of the different ways in which people think and process information, which is heavily influenced by many social and environmental elements (Haraway, 1988). -
Haraway uses the analogy of a “cyborg” to show how humans have a mindset that is both natural, and mechanical. Mechanical refers to an individual’s up-bringing and how technology, political events, gender, schooling, and other environmental factors have shaped and molded an individual’s thought process. Furthermore, the impact of how the environment of the individual can “program” or sway a certain way of thinking, which may be influenced by an institutional agenda (Haraway, 1991). -
"A unified purpose"
In theory, a cyborg would not care about ideals, but rather, remain focused on a single goal. The advancement of the world in every aspect of science would be the main focus. The mission would be done with equality, socialistic, and materialistic approaches as defined by the standard rules (Haraway, 1991). This “post-structuralism” theory is a very idealistic way of promoting a world in which everyone simply gets along to complete a common goal. -
"Vision History"
The applications themselves have been used for millennia to perform many tasks. For example, corporations and militaries imposed these principles to achieve a common goal and keep personnel on track to execute the particular vision. The execution of the goal and mission is hindered by limitations in this theory. -
Haraway, Donna. “A Cyborg Manifesto.” 1985; 1991. http://socrates.bmcc.cuny.edu/jbisz/websiteBB/A_Cyborg_Manifesto_01/Haraway-CyborgManifesto2.pdf. Assessed 7 July 2018. Haraway, Donna. "Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective." Feminist Studies, vol. 14, no. 3, 1988, pp. 575-599.