Asking for Permission
In April of 2003 in Iraq, U.S. troops on a mission saw suspicious activity and they asked their battle captain for permssion to shoot. The battle captain then asked the JAG officer (Army Lawyer) and they said to not shoot. Days later a suicide bomber detonated himself injuring and killing Americans. (G.I. Jag 2015) Why? These American lives were lost due to our men and women having to ask the upper chain of command for permsission. -
Rules in War
The Rules of Engagement were designed to treat the enemy with respect and to make war as humane as possible. (G.I. Jag 2015) Why? The last enemy we faced who followed these rules were the Germans in World War One. War cannot be humane. Lives are lost in war. -
The United States Cannot Protect the Civilians
On a deployement in 2005, one of our U.S. soldier said that they saw extremeists (part of Al-Qaeda) using a small child as a shield from gun fire. (G.I. Jag 2015) Why? Our rules only protect civilans so much. The extremists will do whatever they please even if it endangers the innocent. -
The Learning of American Rules
The extremist groups held meetings in a mosques. They are also held meetings in courtyards surrounded by groups of children. (G.I. Jag 2015) Why? ISIS and Al-Qaeda know the American rules of engagement and are using them to their advantage. They know that we cannot kill civilians and that we cannot invade a place of worship. They are using this as a way to plan attacks in places or surrounded by people who we cannot kill basically making invincible. -
Time for a change
On November 19, 2015 U.S. Defense Secretary, Ash Carter, said he is prepared to change our rules of engagement against ISIS. (FoxNews 2015) Why? He is willing to let our troops take control and save American lives. He is willing to make it where we can invade mosques to get the enemy. We will also be able to go through civilians to get the enemy.