Dom and Xanders TSUNAMIS

  • Lisbon Tsunami

    Lisbon Tsunami
    Tsunami hit on all saints day. Up to 60 feet tall. Death toll: 30,000. Magnitude: 8.5-9.
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Krakatoa Eruption
    Bodies of victims were found floating in the ocean months after the tsunami. The town of Merak was destroyed by a 46m wave. Death toll: Less than 2000. Magnitude: 6.
  • Aleutian Tsunami

    Aleutian Tsunami
    Underwater landslide killed 32 people. The wave reached up to 27 feet tall. Death toll: 131. Magnitude: 9.2.
  • Great Chilean Tsunami

    Great Chilean Tsunami
    Strongest earthquake ever recorded. Quaking lasted more than 10 minutes. Death toll: 490-2290. Magnitude: 9.5.
  • Good Friday Tsunami

    Good Friday Tsunami
    Most powerful earthquake recorded in North America. Shook for about 4 minutes and 38 seconds. Death toll: 131. Magnitude: 9.2
  • Hokkaido Tsunami

    Hokkaido Tsunami
    5.7 magnitude aftershock. Strongest recorded aftershock ever. Death toll: 41. Magnitude: 6.6
  • Papa New Guinea Tsunami

    Papa New Guinea Tsunami
    Magnitude 7 earthquake. Death toll of around 2200. It occured around 5:49 pm and struck along the northern coast.
  • Sumatra Tsunami

    Sumatra Tsunami
    Magnitude 9.1 earthquake. Death toll of 230000. in under 30 minutes tsunami waves 100ft+ pounded the Bonda aceh coast. It killed about 170k people in less then 1.5 hours!
  • Samoa Tsunami

    Samoa Tsunami
    magnitude 8.1 earthquake. Death toll 189. The earthquake generated tsunami waves up to 72 feet. Waves engulfed the shores kiling around 200 people
  • Chile Tsunami

    Chile Tsunami
    The magnitude was 8.8 and the death toll was 500. It caused widespread damages to the land devastating coastal areas of the country.
  • Tohoku Tsunami

    Tohoku Tsunami
    The magnitude was 9.1 and had a death toll of 18,000. Several thousand victims were never recovered. The epicenter was in the middle of the ocean.
  • Sulawesi Tsunami

    Sulawesi Tsunami
    The magnitude was 6.2 and the death toll was 84. This earthquake displaced more than 30,000 people.