Does technology advancement in food production affect population growth?

  • seed drill

    seed drill
    This invention helped a lot of people and saved a lot of time for farmers. This machine plants seeds faster than a person can. At the end of the year there where 0.7 billion
  • reaper machine

    reaper machine
    This item gave abig push to the world we know today because this is something like a old tractor because it has the same funtion. This made more food so it also made people healthier and more people. This made the first billion!
  • seed planter

    seed planter
    This is a sort of upgrade of the seed drill but it isnt at the same time because it plants individual seeds. This made 1.1 billion people
  • Barbed wire

    Barbed wire was important for population because it kept animals inside the farm and in this way farmers could have more meat to sell and they could sell it cheap because they have enough meat and poor people could buy the meat
  • Tractor

    The invention of the tractor was important piece of technology because it made it a lot easier for farmers to make better crops. This invention made 1.5 billion people
  • potato planter

    potato planter
    This plants potatoes which also made the procces faster. this made 1.5 billion people
  • shovel

    this invention is simple but very useful for farmers to produce better land. this made 1.4 billion people
  • rake

    This is a broom for outdoors and is very useful to keep land clean and produce better crops
  • snow blower

    snow blower
    the snow blower helped a lot of people in winter from dying of hunger and this machine helped clear the fields of snow in winter. this made 2.1 billion people
  • potato harvester

    potato harvester
    The name says what it does and this is also very important for farmers to do better process
  • ditcher

    This machine cuts the land in half and it divides land. This is useful to dicede what goes where. This made 2.3 billion people
  • Rotary tiller

    Rotary tiller
    This machine works with soil and it is the most modern machine i found. This machine made 3 billion people