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Armenian Genocide
Attrocities were committed against the Armenian people of the Ottoman empire during WWI. It was planned and administrated by the Turkish government. Deportation, exportation, abduction, torture, massacre, mass burnings, drownings, poison, and starvation all took place. Armenians were also forced to go on death marches and sent to concentration camps. -
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Ukrainian Genocide
Stalin was president of the USSR in 1932. The Ukranians had their taxes raised. He demanded that 40% of the harvest in Ukraine had to be handedc to the government, causing stravation of the people. The death penalty was put upon the people if they were caught stealing food. Unproductive villages were blacklisted. The Ukranian language was forbidden in the Russian Republic. Many were sent to labor camps and died in the harsh conditions. -
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Started when Hitler was appointed as chancellor of Germany. Concentration camps opened, Jewish-owned shops and businesses were boycotted. Sometimes, the Jews were confined in ghettos. The Jews were often deported to concentration camps, tortured, and killed by the Nazis. They would use "gas showers" to execute the people. Slavs, Ethnic Poles, Serbs, Romani people, colored people, the handicapped people, homosexuals, and Jehovah's wittnesses were also killed along with the Jews. -
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Japanese Internment
After Pearl Harbor, over 110,000 people of Japanese heritage who lived on the Pacific coast of America were sent to internment camps. They were denied citizenship, they had a specific curfew, they were excluded in the camps with unhealthy conditions. -
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Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan military, Hutu rebel groups, and Hutu militia groups set out to kill all the Tutsis. Hutu extremists would violently rape the women before killing them and HIV began to spread. They would also mutilate their reproductive capabilities. They would kill anyone, no matter their age or sex.