Documents leading to the Constitution

  • The Charters of the Virginia Company of London

    The Charters of the Virginia Company of London
    DocumentGuarenteed English rights to the colonies.
  • Virginia Declaration of Rights

    Virginia Declaration of Rights
    DocumentWritten by George Mason in 1776 it served as a model for the Bill of Rights
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    DocumentWritten by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 it stated the grievances against the King of Great Britain and declared independence for the colonies.
  • Virginia Statute of Religous Freedom

    Virginia Statute of Religous Freedom
    DocumentWritten in 1779 by Thomas Jefferson it separated church and state government and allow the americans to worship freely.Also it the basis for the first amendment.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    DocumentThe Articles of Confederation was the first form of gorvernment in the U.S, it was written by the Second Continental Congress. It was very weak for various reasons including no common currency or power to collect taxes.