documentary schedule

  • Personal Pictures

    Personal Pictures
    taking personal portrait pictures of the main characters/ actors of the documentary
  • Taking pictures of location

    Taking pictures of location
  • Deadline Character List

    By: Antonia Araya
  • Discussing Waredrop

    Discussing Waredrop
  • Stating and gathering props

    Stating and gathering props
  • Deadline Fonts

    By: Isidora Ovalle
  • Deadline for Storyboard

    Deadline for Storyboard
  • Deadline for Script

    Deadline for Script
  • Create Social Media

    Create Social Media
  • Create Magazine Article

    Create Magazine Article
  • Deadline Contact Sheet of Photo shoot images

    By: Benjamin Moreno
  • Deadline Location Recce

  • Deadline Plot And Story Analysis

    By: Isidora Ovalle
  • Deadline Graphic elements and Texts

    By: Manuel Paz
  • Deadline Available Equipment

    By: Benjamin Moreno
  • Deadline Pitch

    By: Manuel Paz
  • Deadline Challenging conventions

    By: Benjamin Moreno
  • Start Filming first scene

    Start Filming first scene