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Do my essay

  • How to write an article for publication

    Hello, friends! In this material I want to tell you in detail how to write an article You will learn what kinds of text there are, what you need to take into account when writing and how to achieve a high quality material. I am sure that my experience will be useful to you. You learn not only new information, but will be able to build an acceptable work scheme. Sticking to which you will prepare really cool materials that are popular.
  • 10 steps on the way to a great text

    In this section I will tell in detail how to write a good article for publication, describing all the consecutive steps to achieve the desired result.
    Choice of Topics
    Telling about how to write an article, an example lead and on the choice of subjects. Immediately need to remember - one article should reveal one subject.Do not try to tell about different topics in one material. This will not lead to anything good.
  • Format of the article

    Format of the article
    The next step in the instructions on how to properly write an article is to choose the appropriate format. It is important that it fits the specific topic of the material perfectly. It is extremely important that each article is just practical, valuable and useful information. Articles about nothing, filled with "water" no one interested. They will not do any good.
  • Choice of title

    The title of the material depends on whether the user wants to click on the link and read the entire article. It is important to feel the fine line between originality and banality. Do not make the title too long. Make a choice in favor of a short title. And never add artificial emotionality, typing a few exclamation or question marks. Such a title will not be credible. Of course, I have not given a complete list of templates. And you don't always have to use them. But they will help..
  • Preparing a Plan

    Plan - a sequence of points, which will be written article. He is a kind of concept of material. Telling you how to write an article example plan also for you: Title;
    The main part (here you can use subheadings that break down the article into logical blocks);
    Working on the plan is much easier. It turns out to build a coherent and logical structure. Important and valuable information will not be missed.
  • Introduction

    The introduction consists of two or three small paragraphs. This is often enough to introduce the reader into the case, to lead to the disclosure of the subject. Of course, exceptions are possible, but they are not very common. In the introduction, you should briefly outline the issues and show which target audience the material is aimed at.
  • Conclusion

    The article concludes with a conclusion. The focus is on the most important things. It is pointed out what will allow the user to solve his problem.
    Proofreading the article
    Talking about how to write an article for publication, I can't skip this point. It is one of the most boring. After all, you have to reread your work, which the author already knows.
    But you can't do without it. Proofreading eliminates errors, typos, repetitions, and tautology. But do not go too deep into the...
  • Checking the uniqueness

    Another very important stage. The essence of which is to check how unique the text is. What is meant by uniqueness? The fact that in this combination of words and sentences, the topic described is not presented anywhere else. For example, an article copied entirely from another site has a uniqueness of 0%.
    For a good indexation uniqueness should be at least 90-95%. In some cases it may be lower. If this is a specialized material with well-established language and terms.
  • How to write an article: the main part

    Here comes the outline of the main material Consistently describes the solution to the problem. Assessments, practical advice and recommendations are given. Ways to achieve the goal are described. There is no limit to the length of the text. The days when an article of 2-3 thousand characters was enough are over. Today, the more material - the better. However, artificially expand it is not necessary. Give only useful, valuable, necessary...