Report on Chronic Wasting Disease
At the August 10, 2013 meeting, a report was given by Tim Marion on the current status of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer in Wisconsin. Studies have focused on particular counties, including Waukesha, Juneau, Adams, Vernon, Grant, and Crawford counties. The study is not complete yet, but is seen as very necessary to create solutions to combat the outbreaks. What is Chronic Wasting Disease? -
Efforts Made to Increase Elk Population
Kevin Wallenfang of the WDNR reported on the status of the movement of elk into the state. 15 elk have been moved into the Black River area this winter, and meetings are being held with Kentucky officials in order to secure the movement of 75 other elk to Wisconsin forests from Kentucky. These increases in population should lead to the possibility of elk hunting seasons in Wisconsin in the future. -
White Deer Hunting now allowed in Wood County
A motion was made and passed to allow the hunting of White Deer in Wood County, Wisconsin. The motion was met with strong support. Information on Hunting in Wood County -
Report on 2015 Anterless Tag Options Given
Scott Looms, by request of Kevin Wallenfang, gave a multi-layered report on the status of Anterless Deer tags in 2015. Availability, as well as areas that are going to be open for this kind of hunting were discussed. -
Update Given on Elk Population
Kevin Wallenfang, the director of the study of elk population in Wisconsin, gave an update on the study at the March meeting, which was held at a special location, the Mead Wildlife Area Visitor Center. The study is in progress.