DNA Timeline

  • Ban on Genetic Discrimination in Workplace

    The EEOC issued a modification on the definition of disability.
    Discovered by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Human Gene Map Created

    Scientists created a map shaping the locations of ESTs. -James Watson
  • Recommendations on Genetic Testing

    A Task Force on Genetic Testing was created by the NIH-DOE Working Group on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genome Research to review genetic testing
  • HGP Map Included 30,000 Human Genes

    HGP researchers released a gene map that included 30,000 human genes, estimated to represent approximately one-third of the total human genes.
  • Chromosomes 22

    the HGP completed the first finished, full-length sequence of a human chromosome
  • Free Access to Genomic Information

    U.S. President Clinton and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that raw, fundamental data about human genome sequence and its variations should be freely available.
  • First Draft of the Human Genome Sequence Released

    The Human Genome Project international consortium published a first draft and initial analysis of the human genome sequence
  • Researchers Find Genetic Variation Associated with Prostate Cancer

    Researchers identified a gene on chromosome 1 associated with a hereditary form of prostate cancer
  • Human Genome Project Completed

    The International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium announced the successful completion of the Human Genome Project more than two years ahead of schedule and under budget.