The thinker

DL Timeline

By Debr
  • First Known Example

    Sir Isaac Pitman taught shorthand via mail
  • First Women's Study

    Anna Ticknow created society for women to study at home.
  • Another Correspondence University

    Chautauqua Correspondence College in New York
  • First University Attempt

    Cornell University attempts Correspondence U.
  • First Program of Distance Education

    U of Chicago establishes first formal program of distance Education
  • Technology Change

    Lantern Slides and Motion Picture is beginning to emerge.
  • NUEA

    NUEA is formed to study the effectiveness of Correspondence Education vs. Traditional Education.
  • NUEA study

    Correspondence Ed vs Traditional Ed

    With instructional Radio and motion picture, we have recorded courses.
  • NHSC

    Established to monitor sales practices and maitain quality.
  • Popularity Grows

    = 39 Universities offer corr. courses.
  • FIrst TV Course

    Offered by U of Iowa
  • Rise of TV, Fall of Radio

    Only one course remains for credit, yet it spurs the advent of Television!

    US Armed Forces Institute establishes one of first "system" of correspondence education.
  • Correspondence Flourishes

    UW Correspondence Study Unit states 450 courses, 12,000 students and works with Immigration and US Armed Forces (to name a few).
  • "Open University"

    First Successful and sustainable model formed by the UK.
  • "AIM"

    Charles Wedemeyer creates Articulated Instructional Media by combining a manufacturing model with education. He deconstructed teaching process and rearticulated them. Invented Instructional Design Designers and Course Design Teams.
  • Public Broadcasting Act

    Established non-profits aimed an maintaining access to general public.
  • UK launches OU

    UK "OU" grows in popularity and success, becomes largest and most successful model, adopted by other countries.

    Cable and Sattelite TV pave the way for two-way course delivery and the advent of TELECONFERENCING!

    Internet Delivery increases the expansion of DL courses.