Period: to
The Life of a Fund
Everything changes over time -
DMTF campaign plans announced at KUMAA annual meeting
The goal is to raise $1 million. -
Letter from Sam Roberts, MD to McIlvain Trustees requesting $100K
"The income earned from the endowment fund will be used to support salaries of distinguished teachers in non-clinical fields at the Medical Center, such as biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, molecular biology, et cetera." -
Organizational phase begins
The Committee
Claude Dixon, MD and Edward Hashinger serve as Co-Chairs -
Dear Dr.
The Committee develops a brochure for the campaign. The main pitch is that additional funding is needed to attract Basic Science faculty to the Medical School because there is a national shortage of them. -
For The Next 100 Years - a brochure
"More than 800 teaching appointments in the nation's medical schools remain vacant, and there is intense competition for distinguished teachers of the basic sciences." -
Letter from Dean Miller to the Executive Committees of the Alumni Association and the DMTF
"Faculty appointments to these Professorships will be done in the manner now in vogue for other faculty appointments. The alumni association may then designate a way in which it would like to receive reports, review the status of the fund, satisfy themselves that the funds are being used in accordance with the stated objectives..and express whatever sentiments they wish in regard to the uses of the fund and the affairs of the medical school as they relate to the fund." Suggests special committee -
Donations have fallen far short of the target. KUEA advises the Dean's office (Dr. Wolf) that awarding a professorship soon would encourage alumni to donate by showing that the fund is accomplishing something. "However, careful attention should be paid to the terms and conditions established initially for the professorship fund. It was initiated by the Medical Alumni Association, rather than by the University, and members of that group should be consulted....." - Irvin Youngberg, Exec. Secretary -
Dr. Wolf decides to wait
Pledges are at $700K, but collections are $318,358. He sends a letter to alumni explaining the situation. -
$826,358 Perhaps this includes uncollected pledges?
KU's $18,617,000 Program for Progress will launch soon. When alumni of the med school are contacted during that drive, they will be urged to help get the DMTF to the finish line. -
Interim use of the funds
While waiting for the fund to grow "large enough to support a permanent Distinguished Professorship", an Advisory Committee appointed by the Dean, the Executive Faculty and the Executive committee of the MAA approve expenditures for 1) Visiting Distinguished Professor 2) Distinguished Teaching Awards to the faculty (3 awards totaling $5000) -
DMTF citations and cash awards given
Dr. John Kepes, Professor of Pathology and Dr. James Rhodes, Associate Professor of Medicine and Physiology were the recipients -
Kurt Ebner, PhD announced as the first DMTF Professor
He will be Chairman of Biochemistry effective September 1. -
DMTF Committee (Trustees) formally established
The MAA establishes a semi-permanent committee (not Alumni Association Board Members, per se) "to serve in an advisory capacity to set guidelines in the utilization of the DMTF to ensure that alumni wishes be followed as opposed to administration wishes. Such a committee would provide continuity to important matters beyond the capability of a Board whose membership changes each year." -
DMTF Committee
Lawrence Leigh, MD (Chair), John Bowser, MD, Donald Smith, MD, Robert Hudson, MD, Christopher Y. Thomas, MD. Ex Officio: Keith Gallehugh, MD (MAA President), Robert Brown, MD (MAA Secretary-treasurer), Helen M. Sims, Medical Center Relations -
$607,743 as of October 10, 1975
The DMTF Committee discussed how best to use the funds for faculty compensation, the practical problems that could arise from using the funds to augment salary versus allowing them to be used at the designee's discretion for "developmental purposes", and how long a particular award should last. The idea of appointing a committee to make periodic cash awards in recognition of outstanding faculty contributions was discussed. The committee resolved to continue efforts to reach the $1M fund target. -
Dr. Gilbert Greenwald named second DMTF Professor
He is awarded $70K over two years (Physiology Chair). The funds are used to purchase research equipment. The DMTF sponsorship of Dr. Ebner ended on June 30, 1977. Both Ebner and Kepes are permitted to continue using the title DMTF Professor. (Grant 77-2980. A sub-account?) -
A disturbing letter without a date
It could be 1977. My best guess - it is a reaction to the Ebner award, mainly because I've got no documentation of how Ebner's funding was applied, whereas with Greenwald, I do. Also, debates that later ensued and the formation of the DMTF Committee make sense in this regard. Dr. Leigh died in 1982. -
KUEA addresses "uneasiness" about the use of DMTF
In a letter to the "Medical Alumni Committee", Todd Seymour, KUEA President explains "the guidelines which are being followed for the" DMTF. The segregated trust account has a stated purpose which cannot be changed without "a formally certified request in the form of a Minute based on a formal meeting of the executive group of the KUMAA. It would need to be certified that a quorum was present..." -
Seymour letter, part 2
The stated purpose is formally listed as follows: "The income from the fund will be used to support distinguished teachers in non-clinical fields at (KUMC), such as biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, molecular biology, etc." "The fund is an income only account which means that the principal may not be invaded but only the income used to support the purposes of the fund." -
Supporting Distinguished Teachers in various ways
Helen Sims (Executive Secretary KUMAA) advises James Lowman, MD, Dean KUSoM, that the Board approved an award of $2000 to Dr. Ebner for travel to scientific meetings. The Board also expressed the wich that both Drs. Ebner and Greenwald use the titles of Distinguished Medical Teachers of the (KUMAA). -
KU Alumni Association Proposal
In a series of letters between Dick Wintermote, Director, KUAA, Archie Dykes, Chancellor, Todd Seymour, President, KUEA and Helen Sims, KUMAA, it is proposed that the KUMAA merge with the KUAA. It would change its name to the KU Medical Alumni Society, cease to collect dues and be directed by the Assistant Director of the KUAA. Documents currently available do not make clear why this never transpired. -
Student Recreation Center proposal
The Trustees of the DMTF met in "the Alumni Room" on 3A at the Medical Center. Present were Lawrence Leigh, MD, chairman, Christopher Y. Thomas, MD, John Bowser, MD, Donald Smith, MD and Robert Hudson, MD. Ex Officio members present were William McEachen, MD, KUMAA president, Helen Sims and John English, KUEA VP. The Trustees rejected a proposal to use funds of the DMTF to help build a Student Recreation Center. The Medical Alumni Loan Fund was also discussed -
Dr. Howard Matze's resignation creates new need
In Dr. Lowman's letter to Helen Sims, he outlines the beneficial results that have flowed from the two DMTF Professors, Drs. Ebner and Greenwald. He shares his thoughts on the School's current needs. "If the Alumni continue to provide money for Basic Science teachers we should consider asking them to provide funds for a new Chairman in the Department of Anatomy." He points out that the DMTF commitment to Dr. Greenwald will end on July 1, 1979. -
Renewed efforts to reach $1M
In anticipation of the dedication of the new University of Kansas Bell Memorial Hospital on May 18, 1979 (which coincides with Medical Alumni Day), a fund-raising letter is sent out. The fund's current value is approximately $800K -
DMTF Trustees approve Dr. Lowman's request
Lawrence Leigh, MD Chairman, DMTF Trustees, advises William McEachen, MD, KUMAA President, that the Trustees have approved Dean Lowman's formal request of April 4 to make funds available to support hiring a new Anatomy Department Chairman. The support will consist of $35K per year for two years -
Visiting Professors
Dr. Lowman meets with the Trustees, who approve $5000 per year for two years to sponsor a visiting Professor, probably an MD, PhD, for a visit of three to five days. The Professor would meet with medical students in small groups, accompany them on rounds and demonstrate the value of basic sciences in clinical practice. Dean Lowman also proposes DMTF funding of a computer-assisted teaching program in the Biochem Dep't, with details to follow. Currently unknown whether a Professor visited. -
Micro-processor based systems
The Trustees and the Board approve $6500 for two micro-processor based systems to help facilitate computerized teaching in Biochemistry -
Helen Sims retires
Patricia Head assumes her role as Executive Secretary of the KUMAA. Helen received this year's Honorary Medical Alumni Award from the KUMAA, based on the recommendation of the DMTF Trustees. A sidenote, during Helen's tenure, the JayDoc logo was used on the KUMAA letterhead -
Biomedical Sciences Scholar Awards
The DMTF will be used to sponsor two $6K per year and two $3K per year positions. A handwritten notation on the corner of this memo says, "Student Awards". More information is needed about this. Ed Schulte, Darryl Stone ($6K); Craig Champlin, Bethany Jackson ($3K) -
Expenditures of $120K in fiscal year 1984
In a letter from George Stewart, KUEA VP, to Joseph Kyner, MD, MAA Treasurer, Stewart points out that the estimated interest income will be $92,820, resulted in a shortfall. More information is needed as to what how the funds were to be used. -
Fund principal reaches $1.15M
The Trustees are: Donald Smith, MD, Chair, Franklin Bichelmeier, MD, Robert Hudson, MD, Robert Manning, MD, William McEachen, MD, Christopher Y. Thomas, MD. The KUEA guarantees a 5.25% interest rate for three years. -
A shocking letter from Bob Campbell, KUEA VP of Medical Affairs to John Goheen, MD, KUMAA President
Campbell outlines three reasons why it is inappropriate for the DMTF to fund the Dean's "curriculum enhancement project": 1)Outside the purview of DMT funds, 2)A fundamental administrative function appropriate for state rather than private gift funding and 3)theDean has access to other, more appropriate KUEAmfunds that can be utilized for this project. Nevertheless, Campbell begrudgingly agrees to release $23,250 through the creation of a sub-account - "DMT Curricular Enhancement". -
In the absence of an Alumni Affairs Director.....
EVC Hagen instructs Bob Campbell who should have disbursing authority until a new Director is appointed (Rita Clifford) -
DMT Clinical Fund has not yet reached $1M
This fund was established in the late '80's at the suggestion of the Dean's office. "Of course, we will not begin utilizing the (fund) until the goal of $1M for the endowed principal has been attained." Bob Campbell, KUEA to Charles Loveland, MD, Chair, DMTF Trustee Committee -
Jennifer Lamb announced as new Alumni Director
EVC Hagen notifies KUEA that she will have disbursing authority -
Robert P. Hudson Fellowship Endowment for the Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine
Dr. Hudson and Phil Fleming (KUEA) appear before the DMTF Trustee Committee to propose DMTF fellowships to support special studies by medical students. Dr. Hudson is retiring. More information is needed as to whether this proposal was funded. -
DMT Clinical Fund reaches $1M goal per KUEA letter to Dean Deborah Powell
"The DMTF Trustee Committee receives requests from the Dean, then forwards its recommendations regarding the requests to the Medical Alumni Association board. The board rules on allocations with...customary fiduciary review by the Endowment Association. The DMT funds are undeer the disbursing authority of the KUMC Alumni Association with the Director of Alumni Services as master fund account representative ..." The clinical fund will attract outstanding professionals in clinical teaching. -
KUMAA Board approves Dr. Powell's $1.6M funding request
Dr. Loveland, Chairman, DMTF Trustees, informs the Exec.Dean and Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs of four provisions:
1) Full two year funding for two new faculty, a technician, and lab renovations for the Dep't Chairs of Microbiology and Anatomy
2) Funding of third faculty members in each Dep't to be reviewed pending anticipated retirements
3) Line item budgets for each recruitment package requested prior to disbursements
4) Six month progress reports on recruitment, expenditures requested -
DMTF Trustees meet to discuss various matters
Dr. Powell reports that the recruitment process is ongoing; no money has been spent yet. The DMT Clinical Fund market value is $1.19M. Has the fund interest rate decreased? Drs. Lukert and Thedinger have joined the Trustees Committee (amongst others) and Dr. Drisko is an Ex-Officio member. Ms. Jennifer Rodvelt (title?) and Ms. Debbie Hilt (Office Specialist) attend the meeting -
DMTF Professors recruited
A memo from Kimberly Cuda, Director of Alumni/Community Relations to the DMTF Trustees and the Boards explains that:
Prof. of Anatomy (Charles Little and Gregory Vanden Heuwel)
Assistant Professor of Physiology (Gustavo Blanco)
Microbiology (David Cue and Wolfram Zuechert)
$942K has been spent. Dean Powell requests that $250K of the remaining $658K be allocated to Dr. Zuechert to purchase lab equipment, supplies and to hire support personnel for his research. -
Fund Status Update
DMT Basic Science Fund Principal $4.08M Spendable $799K
DMT Clinical Fund Principal $956K Interest $206K
The Clinical Fund must reach $1M before interest can be spent. The KUEA advises the Board to reclassify the Clinical Fund interest as principal to reach the Fund goal -
Request for Salary Support
Christopher Crenner, MD, PhD, Chair of the Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine, requests DMTF support of $35K annually to help recruit Kirby Randolph for a tenure-track position as assistant professor in the history of medicine, with responsibilities for curriculum development and student mentoring in the Office of Cultural Enhancement and Diversity. Approved by Dean Atkinson. -
Dr. Atkinson requests funding for six new faculty members
DMTF Basic Science Fund research start-up grants:
Liskin Swint-Kruse, Biochemistry, protein structure-function $40K
Alexey Ladokhin, Biochemistry, protein/cell wall interactions $38K
Juan Bruses, Anatomy, synapse formation $40K
DMTF Clinical Fund stat-up grants:
Jeff Burns, Neurology, Alzheimer's $50K
Linda Nelson, OB/GYN, bench and clinical research $50K
Kathy Newll, Pathology, Neuropathology, $25K