Disruptions Timeline

  • Black Lives Matter

    After the murder of Treyvon Martin and in order to bring attention to and advocate against police brutality and racial inequalities still in existence, this group was created. Initially started as a Facebook hashtag and has since become multi-dimensional; communicating and sharing over many platforms. With the death of George Floyd and Brionna Taylor in 2020, the movement had another surge of growth and participation.
  • Russion Election Interference

    In order to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election, Russia created a powerful disinformation campaign that was heavily focused on Facebook's platform but did spread through other social media platforms as well.
  • Qanon

    Seeming to spread from the pizza-gate conspiracy, this conspiracy theory movement started on 4chan and then shifted between platforms to keep their messaging alive. Has rapidly become more widespread with misinformation being shared on multiple platforms. In order to stop the further spread of this misinformation, I'm excluding the details of what this disruption revolves around.
  • January 6th Riot

    In an attempt to change the result of the 2021 election (and resulting from misinformation), a community of like-minded individuals who felt something was being stolen from them organized a riot largely using Parlor.
  • Stop Asian Hate

    In response to the worsening of bigotry and violent attacks on Asian-Americans, this movement has just recently started but has already organized a few in-person protests.