Disruptions in Social Media

  • #OccupyWallStreet

    This movement was created to bring attention to the income injustice and marginalization between the 1% of the wealthiest, and the 99% of the rest of the population. The slogan for the movement was "We are the 99%" All forms of social media were used to bring attention to the movement, and the injustice. People all shared their thought on the need for change.
  • #BlackLivesMatter

  • #BlackLivesMatter

    This hashtag was used on all social media sites by people sharing stories about racial injustice, discrimination, and profiling for African Americans. The movement spread across all social media, garnering attention of the entire world. The idea for the movement was to bring attention to the whole world regarding stories of injustice and violence.
  • #ALSicebucketchallenge

    This hashtag and surrounding videos all went viral the summer of 2014. The focus therein was to raise attention about the ALS disease, and to raise donations for studies to provide a cure. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were all platforms for people to share their version of the ice bucket challenge, and to nominate someone else to get involved in the movement.
  • #JeSuisCharlie

    The hashtag #JeSuisCharlie went viral after a shooting occurred outside of a French newspaper office for Charlie Hebdo. The Hashtag went viral on Twitter as users repost stories about the shooting. The hashtag was perpetuated to instill the blief of freedom of speech, and press.
  • #MeToo

    This movement was created to bring attention to sexual harassment, violence, assault, and injustice for women. Women from all over the world join in on the movement. It became a powerful way for women to take a stand and tell their stories about how they have been sexually harassed. The light shed on this movement has brought about a need for social reformation. All forms of social media were used as many women added their own "Me too" stories of they had faced sexually assault.