Disruption Timeline

  • Rise and Fall of ISIS

    Rise and Fall of ISIS
    I remember the media being used a lot to promote propaganda in this case. Mainly Facebook! 1999 is when ISIS was founded.
  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring
    Pro-democracy uprisings regarding Muslim communities. Facebook was a big social media used.
  • Black Lives Matter Founded

    Black Lives Matter Founded
    All social medias used. They use social media to organize protests! There has been a big disruption recently in 2020.
  • Donald Trump Elected

    Donald Trump Elected
    Trump tends to primarily use Twitter to promote his ideas. However, all social media platforms are used to promote his campaign.
  • COVID-19 Outbreak

    COVID-19 Outbreak
    Mainly Facebook but all social medias have been used. It has become strangely political and many are fighting over facts and masks.