Disruption Timeline

By lexlew
  • Green Revolution

    Green Revolution
    This revolution used social media to show people the struggle of protesters. It all began when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the Iran presidential election. Their main outlet used was twitter to rally up groups of people. Another outlet used was youtube and they published videos of the murderings being done to bring awareness to this cause.
  • Facebook Revolution

    Facebook Revolution
    Egypt and Libya began protesting against their leader President Mubarak. This revolution helped change Egyptian society. More people joined in on this site and shared pictures of the protests and spreading the word among various social media sites. They created Facebook pages to document what was going on with their country and leaders and show people what was going on. The number of Facebook users increased enormously during and after this revolution in Egypt.
  • Ukraine Revolution

    Ukraine Revolution
    Protesting against their leader Yanukovych because they wanted to have closer ties to Russia and the west. Huge protests were assembled and the president had to flee. Used Facebook interactive map to organize and communicate with each other where supplies, protests, and medical attention would be. They used this to communicate with each other about the protests. They would also share ideas and tactics with each other.
  • Venezuela Revolution

    Venezuela Revolution
    Venezuelans are protesting their leader President Maduro for their lack of food, supplies, basic needs. The country is dipping into an economic crisis and he isn't doing much to help. The people are demanding a change and his resignation so they are protesting. The T.V. is quiet about these protests and won't show them so people turned to social media to spread awareness. They used stories, live video feeds, chat rooms to communicate ideas and how bad the protests are & the gov hiding it.
  • Drive Mr. Trump Up the Wall

    Drive Mr. Trump Up the Wall
    This revolution is against President Trump This one is unique because it is using social media to take away the spotlight from him on social media. He tweets all the time dumb stuff like I had the biggest crowd or the travel ban is working and in progress but the people are backfiring at him showing him they are all false virally. They share videos and pics of how the travel ban isn't working Or rally up a group of women and use his sexist comments against him. They turn his words against him