Disruption Timeline

  • Gay Marriage Legal

    Gay Marriage Legal
    In 2015, the Supreme Court made gay marriage legal on a 5-4 vote. This long fought over issues got a lot of momentum on social media.
  • #MeToo

    In an attempt to shine a light on sexual assault and abuse against women, the Me Too movement began
  • Illegal Immigration & Abolishing ICE

    Illegal Immigration & Abolishing ICE
    the immigrant issues came to a head when it became public knowledge that children were being held in cages in unfit living conditions on the border of Mexico and the US
  • Climate Crisis Activism

    Climate Crisis Activism
    The climate crisis came back into the internet's focus with activist Greta Thunberg and her stance on solving the issues.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    The movement first began in 2013, but its second and more popular wave began in 2020 surrounding the death of George Floyd