Disruption Timeline

By ctool5
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    Protests on all types of social media especially twitter influenced this movement.
  • Ukrainian “Euromaidan” protests

    Ukrainian “Euromaidan” protests
    These protests were mostly fostered by Facebook which is where most people got their information.
  • #MeToo

    Protests against sexual assault began in late 2017 with the hashtag "metoo" on many social media platforms. Twitter is where it began and was the biggest platform used. Facebook was also a big platform for the movement.
  • Oromo protests hit Ethiopia

    Oromo protests hit Ethiopia
    WhatsApp and Telegram were social media platforms used because the government blocked many others.
  • Social media plays 'extremely important' role in Iranian protests despite censorship

    Social media plays 'extremely important' role in Iranian protests despite censorship
    Iranians used the app called "Telegram" the most to influence these protests