Disruption Timeline

  • Dove "Real Beauty"

    Dove "Real Beauty"
    Dove releases this video and the fashion/beauty/advertising world is put on blast for photoshopping their photos and giving unrealistic beauty expectations to women. This video was shared among social media over 20 million times. Dove set the stage for models of all ages, shapes, and sizes to enter the editorial beauty industry.
  • Spotify Wrapped

    Spotify Wrapped
    Spotify launched its "Wrapped" campaign at the end of the year, showing its users almost every detail of the music that shaped their year like a personal music journal. Users were able to view their wrapped results on their mobile device and share them straight to social media which completely took over many news feeds.
  • Child Sex Trafficking Awareness

    Child Sex Trafficking Awareness
    Child sex trafficking is once again brought to the news surface as Wayfair is exploited by supposedly assisting in sex trafficking. The coountry erupts in talk of conspiracy theories involving celebrities, the super bowl, and politics that may connect to the issue. Social media has exploded in a flood of posts to spread awareness and donate to causes to stop the exploitation of children.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    The death of George Floyd, an innocent black man killed by police, sends social media into disarray. Everyone demands justice be served for the cops who murdered him as well as other people of color who were killed in an act of racism. Everyone is seen posting black squares on one particular Tuesday to show their respect and desire to learn and support the black community.
  • COVID-19

    COVID-19 reaches the United States and the country erupts into a panic as cases start rapidly spreading. Businesses close down, and people start to panic buy as many rolls of toilet paper, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, gloves, and ESPECIALLY surgical masks resulting in a worldwide shortage. Recently, the real disruption on social media is to get people to WEAR YOUR MASKS to protect yourself, and protect people around you. The norm has changed, and everyone in public needs to be wearing a mask.