Disruption Timeline

  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    After the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the hashtag Black Lives Matter skyrocketed, creating a national discussion.
  • Ellens Oscar Selfie

    Ellens Oscar Selfie
    When Ellen hosted the Oscars in 2014, she set a goal to get the most retweets of any tweet ever. She accomplished this with over 3.4 million people retweeting the selfie of Ellen alongside other famous celebrities
  • ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

    ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    In 2014 the ice bucket challenge raised millions of dollars.
  • #PrayforParis

    With each life changing attack or natural disaster, we see huge amounts of support on social media. One of these was for the attacks in Paris in 2015. The hashtag #PrayforParis was used over 7million times.
  • #MeToo

    In the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Alyssa Milano posted on social media about her story and asked that everyone who was a survivor of sexual assault responded with "Me Too". This started a huge platform that countless celebrities and women joined.