
Disruption Timeline

  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    Although the group was organized just about 6 years ago the organization really began to grow at the end of 2016 beginning of 2017. This organization used many platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and their own personal website. There were many tactics that were used including live video and user generated content.
  • Take a Knee

    Take a Knee
    Football star Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem at the 49er's football game. Making a statement that minorities needed to be treated better. His story was shared almost instantly over several forms of media, and individuals took to Facebook and Twitter to share their opinions on Kapernick's bold statements.
  • Me Too Movement

    Me Too Movement
    The first time the hashtag Me too was used by a celebrity with accusation of sexual assault. After its start the movement #metoo was used across almost every social media platform. This movement gained traction by using Pathos as people shared their stories of sexual assault. The use of a simple hashtag helped people around the world to share there stories quickly.
  • Pension in Paris

    Pension in Paris
    In opposition to an overhaul on pensions people took to the streets in Paris to protest the government doing an overhaul on pensions. This event was so massive that schools were forced to shut down and many people were encouraged to work from home or take a bike or scooter. during the protest there was a large amount of user generated content shared over various forms of social media.
  • Corona Virus

    Corona Virus
    The spread of a disease that has reached many people and began to cause wide spread panic across the world. The spread of information reached people quicker than the virus itself. Because of the rate information spread it led to a lot of false information causing for individuals to panic. Most information has been spread through Facebook and news outlets, as well as government websites such as the CDC. Tactics such as press conferences and word of mouth have been used to spread the information.