Disruption Timeline

By Kwalter
  • #IStandWithAhmed

    After the #BLM in 2013, the conversation regarding discrimination was at an all time high in the United States. In September 2015 a student named Ahmed build a clock at home and brought it to school. His teacher believed it was a bomb and called the police and they took him away. They then released him after they found no true issue. This movement circulated around Twitter utilizing this hashtag because many believed that it was due to racial discrimination. It was supported by Barack Obama.
  • #FakeNews

    Donald Trump popularized the phrase 'fake news' in connect with the disinformation he felt was spread about him during the 2016 elections. This disruption was mostly seen on Facebook and Twitter, help to encourage fact checking on social media. Social media is a place where ideas and thoughts that are not always correct can be broad cast to the masses. Many have took their own stand in fact checking information and providing proof to their claims since this because a popular hashtag.
  • #TakeAKnee

    Colin Kaepernick started this movement when he knelt during the anthem to call attention to racial inequality/police brutality in the U.S. It became a trending topic on all social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It spread like a wildfire and was mentioned on news platforms as well. It lead many people to voice that they would boycott the NFL if they did not take action. It continued the conversation of discrimination across the nation.
  • #WomensMarch

    The Women's March was a protest of the inauguration of President Trump once he first took office. It was a big protest of Trump not only online, but in person. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook helped to build this 'campaign' and build a following and support. It stemmed from comments the President had made that were derogatory towards women.It started a movement not only towards this president, but towards gender discrimination all women face.
  • COVID-19

    All social media platforms have played a huge role in how information regarding the COVID-19 virus has been spread. We see new hashtags pop up daily surround this same situation. Although it can be said that social media has cause more bad than it has good. It has ignited fear in people to the point where people are clearing out the stores. Although it has been a great way for us to get information, we must make sure we are not over shadowing the true information with our own opinions.