Black Lives Matter
This campaigns about violence and racism towards black people. It started in 2013 but it is still happening today. social media shows videos and tells us stories about the injustice being taken place. Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are all being used. #blacklivesmatter -
Love Wins
Love wins is a human rights campaign. This campaign made it legal in all 50 states to have same-sex marriage. This happened in 2015 and the hashtag #lovewins was seen on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. -
Make America Great Again
MAGA is a hashtag that was created in 2016 that was used in American politics that was used by President Donald Trump. The hashtag spread so much that it is used for people for or against Trump. The slogan is a loaded phrase and appeals to everyone. It is used on Twitter the most and seen on other platforms. -
Me Too Movement
metoo started in 2017 and is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault. The movement went viral as the hashtag was an attempt to demonstrate the widespread harassment, especially in a workplace. This was used on mostly twitter but also Instagram and Facebook. -
Hong Kong Protest
2019 Hong Kong Protest. Forms of social media include: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Police are showing protestor brutality and protestors are showing police brutality all over social media. Social media gets more people involved. The Chinese are also using social media to stop protesting by putting out their military vehicles.