Disruption timeline

  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring
    Primary Forms : Facebook.
    Tactics: To spread awareness, organize demonstrations, distribute information, etc.
  • Black Lives Matter Protest

    Black Lives Matter Protest
    Primary Forms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
    Tactics: Spread awareness, spreading information and knowledge, challenging other to step up, etc.
  • ISIS

    Primary Forms: Facebook, Twitter.
    Tactics: Recruitment and spreading of information. Glorifying the life and propaganda.
  • #MeToo movement

    #MeToo movement
    Primary Forms: MySpace, Twitter, Facebook.
    Tactics: Spreading information, advocating, bring awareness to ongoing issue, inspire change.
  • George Floyd Protests

    George Floyd Protests
    Primary Forms: Instagram, Facebook.
    Tactics: Bring awareness to police brutality, Inspire action and change.