• instagram

    The headline about this social network was its acquisition for $1 billion by Facebook. This was despite the fact that it hadn’t made a dollar of profit. Despite this sizable investment it could be a very strategic and savvy move by Facebook that confirms its crown as the top photo site in the world. It also reminds me of Google’s purchase of YouTube for $1.65 billion in 2006 which proved to be a great decision in hindsight.
  • linked in

    linked in
    In 2011 there were 4.2 billion professionally oriented searches on the LinkedIn platform. The fastest growing demographics are students and recent college graduates and revenues for 2011 reached $522 million.
  • facebook

    Facebook continues to innovate and evolve and the the last 12 months have seen the new timeline introduced to personal profiles and brand pages as well as the purchase of Instagram, the mobile photo app platform, which has never made any money and has only 13 employees for a generous price of $1 billion.
  • social media shaking up healthcare

    social media shaking up healthcare
    In healthcare, professionals and organizations must recognize society’s ever-increasing use of social media tools, and that abdicating their leadership role on the issues raised by these tools would have harmful effects because the conversations will continue with or without them. But should also consider the potential benefits of using social media for obtaining rapid and timely data about trends and patterns in health.
  • essential component in any news association

    essential component in any news association
    Social media is no longer considered a lightweight addition to the serious business of the newsroom. It is recognized as a central pillar that the newsroom depends upon to operate. Social media skills are no longer considered niche in journalism, instead they impact how an entire news organization is run.