Walt disney pictures

Disney movies

  • Pinocchio

    Join Geppetto's beloved puppet, Pinocchio, as he embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a real boy. With Jiminy Cricket as his guide, Pinocchio must be brave. loyal, and honest to make his greatest wish come true.
  • Fantasia

    A bunch of short stories featuring some of the beloved Disney Characters.
  • Dumbo

    Dumbo is an elephant born with extremely large ears and given the mean nickname Dumbo. Dumbo has to overcome many challenges in his life.
  • Bambi

    Bambi takes his first steps and sets out to explore his new world with his friends: a lovable rabbit called Thumper and a bashful skunk named Flower. Guided by the wise Friend Owl, the young prince also learns valuable lessons about love, loss, and life.
  • Cinderella

    Cinderella is about a young girl bullied by her step sisters into doing household work until she goes to the ball and meets her prince.
  • Alice in Wonderland

    Alice in Wonderland
    Alice stumbles into a rabbit hole and finds herself in a strange land. The Queen of hearts ruling the land is mean. Will she escape Wonderland back to her own world.
  • Peter Pan

    Peter Pan
    Peter Pan is a magical character who takes the Darling's on an adventure to never land were they will never grow up. The escape pirate Captain Hook and Make it back to their home in London.
  • Lady and the Tramp

    Lady and the Tramp
    Lady an American cocker spaniel finds herself falling in love with a stray named Tramp. They go on many amazing adventures. Tramp is eventually adopted into the family and they can be together forever.
  • Sleeping Beauty

    Sleeping Beauty
    Sleeping Beauty finds herself stuck in a sleeping curse put on her by maleficent. The curse can only be broken by true loves kiss. Will she ever wake up?
  • The Jungle Book

    The Jungle Book
    Mowgli a boy raised by wolfs in the jungle is being tracked by a tiger that wants to kill him. With the help of a bear named Baloo and a black panther named Bagheera will he find he way out of the jungle and to a village?