
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Syphilis Epidemic

    Syphilis Epidemic
    Syphilis is a common New World disease.Many believe that the disease traveled from the Americas. Many people from Europe died after the syphilis epidemic, causing a decrease in population.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to


    Diseases during the Columbian Exchange.
  • Jan 1, 1493


    Malaria is known to be an Old World disease. Before Columbus' arrival, malaria had not been a problem in the Americas. Eventually, malaria spread, causing the death of many natives. This caused many of them to be very sick, not allowing them to work. Europeans then ran out of native Indian slaves, which created a problem.
  • Jan 1, 1505


    Measles is known to be an Old World disease that is in the New World. Europeans brought the disease to the Americas. The Europeans were already immune to the disease, since they had been surrounded by it for a long time. Measles was a dangerous disease, as it killed many natives. Currently, there is not specific treatment for measles, but it continues to be a problem.
  • Jan 1, 1510

    Epidemic Typhus

    Epidemic Typhus
    Typhus is considered to be an Old World disease. It was spread through the Columbian exchange, due to poor sanitation. The natives were greatly affected because they were not immune to Eastern diseases.
  • Jan 6, 1518

    Smallpox Epidemic

    Smallpox Epidemic
    Smallpox is a common Old World disease. The smallpox epidemic started in Hispanolia and slowly spread. Smallpox was a problem with the natives because they were not immune to European diseases. It was easy to get the disease since it passed through the air. By 1518, there were only about 10,000 people that had survived the epidemic.
  • Yellow Fever

    Yellow Fever
    Yellow fever is known to be an Old World disease. It is a viral disease that is usually a short duration, that is transmitted through a mosquito. Malaria and yellow fever are very similar, as they are both transmitted by a mosquito.
  • Influenza

    Influenza is known to be an Old World disease. Influenza is thought to have been transmitted from colonists through direct contact. Many crew members and animals that traveled aboard, brought the disease to the Americas. The good thing was that not many crew members died.
  • Chicken Pox

    Chicken Pox
    Chicken Pox is considered to be an Old World disease that is currently a problem in the New World. It originally migrated to Western Europe through the Columbian Exchange. It is spread by having contact with someone who has it. It was easy to get the disease, causing many illnesses.