
  • Massacre at Mystic

    Massacre at Mystic
    The Pequot tribe was raided and several families, Including children were murdered.
  • The Scalp Act

    The Scalp Act
    This was the act of tearing out a part of the human scalp as a punishment.
  • The 3/5ths Compromise

    The 3/5ths Compromise
    The 3/5ths Compromise was among state delegates during the 1787 Constitutional Convention. It determined that three out of every five slave states were rolled with taxes.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    This law enforced that it was allowed for African Americans to be kidnapped.
  • Slave Trade Ends in the United States

    Slave Trade Ends in the United States
    The slave trades were over and now the slaves were free to live without the pressure of being owned.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    They allied the remaining forces with Great Britain.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The act approved the Missouri territory to create a constitution.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    They made the Indians walk a miserable trail.
  • Indian Removal Act

     Indian Removal Act
    In the act where they needed to get the Indians off the land, they killed several.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    An enslaved preacher led the deadliest revolt.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    They fought the Supreme Court to try to get citizenship, however, they were denied.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln made this law in the third year of the bloody civil war.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Slavery had been abolished.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    They allowed equal protection of the black people and allowed them to become citizens.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This gave black men the right to vote.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    this is also called custers last stand.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    The slaughter of around 300 Lakota Indians.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    This law was ruling that the racial segregation laws didn't violate any other laws.