
American Slavery and Legacies (1492 - present)

By mimi274
  • Period: Jan 2, 1492 to

    Start - end of slavery

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Discovery of New World

    Discovery of New World
    Discovery of New World came to existence in southern & eastern Europe by Christopher Columbus. Slaves were enforced for economy and trade across the Mediteranean, this was the first impact on American slavery.
  • Nov 3, 1493

    First Transatlantic Slave Voyage

    First Transatlantic Slave Voyage
    Columbus reaches his second voyage to the New World where he Initiates the the first Transatlantic slave voyage. Doubts of legality of enslavement in spain had aroused, American slavery started to create foundation.
  • Jun 8, 1496

    Columbus returns from second voyage

    Columbus returns from second voyage
    Columbus returns from second voyage which he brought along with him 30 Native American slaves. Once again leading to doubts of legality of enslavement in America.
  • Jan 2, 1499

    No Aparent Legal Problems of Slavery

    No Aparent Legal Problems of Slavery
    Years later 200 slaves were taken from North Coast of South America. After settlement There remained no aparent legal problems of slavery in America.
  • Jan 22, 1510

    Systematic Transportation

    The start of Systematic transportation of African slaves had started in the New World after the discovery of sugar cane. 50 African slave had been sent to san domingo, this was start to an even bigger slave trade about too take forth in America.
  • Feb 5, 1516

    First Successful slave rebellion in New World

    First Successful slave rebellion in New World
    Governor of Cuba authorises slave raiding expeditions to central America.This was first sign of American slave rebellion, & slave group to kill spanish crew before sailing back home.
  • Aug 18, 1518

    Significant amount of slave trade in America

    Significant amount of slave trade in America
    Charles V grants permission to import 4000 african slaves into New Spain. A significant escalation of slave trade began to take force, Amercian slavery grew widespread.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Slaves taken to cuba

    Slaves taken to cuba
    300 slaves were taken to Cuba to work in Gold Mines. This lead to tremendous discovery of new goods for Americans , due to rapid American Slavery.
  • Feb 4, 1527

    Early records of sugar Production in Jamaica due to slaves

    Early records of sugar Production in Jamaica due to slaves
    Sugar Production began to start rapirly expanding throughout the carribean region.At this time all mills were exclusively worked by african slaves.
  • First records of slaves in Bermuda

    First records of slaves in Bermuda
    British colony Bermuda is founded, Lorenzo Fignoria publishes a history of slavery in classical rome. Bermuda colony becomes crown posession of American slavery at this time.
  • Monopoly Grant to trade

    Monopoly Grant to trade
    West india company chartered and granted granted Monopoly to trade in the carribean.Dutch slave traders began to get More varying degrees of success, American slavery continueing very strong.
  • Firt group manumission in North American colony

    Firt group manumission in North American colony
    New Amsterdam (modern day New York) withheld a group of 11 enslaved people. These people successfully petition the government there which is the first group of manumission in American slavery.
  • Gospel family order

    Quaker George Fox publishes "Gospel family Order",urging quakers in America to treat their slaves with humanity. This was one of the first publishes revealing the tribulation of American slavery.
  • Venture of Disaster

    Venture of Disaster
    Five ships of the Company of Scotland trade to Africa setting sail from leith to colony in Darien9moder panama). This venture lead to a disaster which caused the death of mosts colonists, nd took a tole on American slave trade.
  • Life of Olaudah Equiano book publishes

    Life of Olaudah Equiano book publishes
    The publication of African Olaudah Equianos book releases, addressing the enslavement of Afriican villages and tribes.This book addressed the life of American enslavement reaching out to many during this time.
  • Speech Before house of Commons

    Speech Before house of Commons
    William Wilberforce , Abolitionist delivers the first major abolitionist speech before the house of commons. Many Americans started to consider Aboliting slavery once and for all after he spoke out.
  • Equiano Dies

    Equiano Dies
    African Author Olaudah equiano dies leaving behind his legacy of his book. This Book spoke to many slaves and continued to provoke abolitionist to take a stand.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation as a war measure during American Civil War. The proclamation advocated a program in which American slaves would be freed gradually.
  • United Nations adopt Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    United Nations adopt Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    General Assembly of United Nations adopts the Declaration of Human Rights. This anounced that no one shall be held in slavery or servitufe, aboliting all terms of American Slavery.
  • Thirteenth Amendment proposed

    Thirteenth Amendment proposed
    The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United Stated was proposed. This proposal stated that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except a punishment of crime" shall further exist within the United States or any place subject to jurisdiction.