Discovering Australia

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Discoverin Australia

  • Jan 1, 1432

    Chines Traders

    Zheng He may have come in 1432 . They were headed to the spice islands to trade the ships may have sailed into the water of North of Australia. The Aborigines told stories about poeple with golden skin. This meant the Makkassans.
  • Jan 1, 1520


    They have no evidence to prove that the portuugueses mad it to Australia. But portugues maps that show the rocks and the great barier Reef.
  • Willem Janszoon

    Wille Janszoon was a Dutch explorer. He was the first European to land on Australian soil. He was searching for gold for the Dutch company the (V.O.C). He reported that the country was full of savage ,cruel, black barbarians who slew some of his crew.
  • Dirk Hartog

    Hartog was one of many Dutch captains sailing for Bartarvia around this time . He was going there to pick up a cargo of spices to take home to Holland.
  • Abel Tasman

    Abel Tasman was another Dutch explorer. He made 2 voyages . He came from bartarviain 2 ships called zeehang & hemskerk. He came to map New Holland. He named Tasmania Van Deiman`s land discoverd islands of New Zealand.
  • Abel Tasmans 2 voyage

    He was sent back to try to map all of New Holland to contact with the Indigenous Australians. He couldn't find a passage through the Torres Strait toget to the East Coast.
  • Makassan Traders

    They came in boats called praus. The boats could only hold thirty crew. They came to fish for sea cucumber (trepangs) so they could sell it to the Chinese. They traded cloth, tobbaco, axes, knives, rice and ,gin with the Indiginise Austalians. Most contacted was peacful. they had an effection Indiginise Australians language art stories and food.
  • William Dampier first voyage

    From January to March 1688 the ship anchored in and named Cygnet Bay , near present day Broome. While the ships hull was being cleaned, Dampier went ashore to obseserve the Aboriginal people.
  • William Dampier

    William Dampier
    In 1699 William comamanded the navel vesal Robuck and sailed accross the Indian Ocean to New Holland. He reached the west coast for a second time in August 1699 , near the Abrolhos Islands .
  • James Cook

    James Cook sailed in a ship called the endeaver. To calculate the distance of venus from the sun (Tahitie). Tofind signs of Terra Australis. Cook had both hostile and peacful meetings with Indigenous Australians.