Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Aug 3, 1492
High Middle age
Jan 1, 1204
Venice submitted the byzantine empire, building The latin east empire
Jan 19, 1227
The Pax Mongolica
The long period of peace that characterized the mongolian empire after Gengis Khan. -
Jun 21, 1265
Dante Alighieri was born
Jan 1, 1291
Ugolino and Vadino Vivaldi
They went through the Strait of Gibraltar. The two brothers sailed around Africa but as soon as they left "Capo Jubi", they disappeared. -
Jun 16, 1313
Giovanni Boccaccio was born
Jan 1, 1321
Dante finished the divine comedy
Jan 1, 1341
Coronation poetry of Petrarca at Capitol
Jan 1, 1353
Boccaccio realized the Decameron
Period: Aug 4, 1400 to Jan 1, 1523
Age of discoveries
Jan 1, 1419
Henry I The navigator
Henry discovered Madera and Holy Harbour, starting the Portugal toward the sea routes supremacy. -
Jan 1, 1419
The first Portuguese expedicions
Jan 1, 1427
Goncalo Velo discover the Azzorre's islands
Oct 30, 1451
Chirstopher Columbus was born in Genoa (Italy)
Feb 19, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci and all his invenctions
One of the greatest intellectul the world have ever had. -
Jan 1, 1453
The renaissance
Towards the second half of the fourteenth century, the crisis ended and Europe could return to shine. There, the cultural movement named Renaissance was born. It put man at the center of all reasoning, at the same time, many inventions were made and new thories were supposed. -
May 29, 1453
Fall of Costantinople
With Maometto II "the conqueror" the turkish empire conquered Costaniople, ending the byzantin empire. -
Jan 1, 1454
Johannes Gutemberg and the typewriter
Gutemberg introduced in Europe the mechanical movable type printing with which men were able to copy whole books faster than before.
<ahref='http://inventors.about.com/od/gstartinventors/a/Gutenberg.htm' >The printing press</a>. -
May 3, 1469
Niccolò Machiavelli was born
Feb 23, 1474
Paolo Toscanelli
Toscanelli sent a letter to a canon Portuguese. He attached to his letter a map to convince Columbus that the fastest way to reach Asia was to sail towards west. -
Mar 6, 1483
Francesco Guicciradini was born
Aug 1, 1487
Bartolomeo Diaz and his voyage
Bartolomeo Diaz sailed to San Biagio Bay, on the horn of Africa. -
Aug 3, 1492
First Columbus's voyage
Colombus discovered America, but believed to be in Asia. Then Amerigo Vespucci understood they had arrived in a new land, so it took his name.
The first voyage.
Columbus Day. -
Period: Aug 4, 1492 to
Modern era
Sep 24, 1493
Second Columbus's voyage
Christopher built La Navidad, a little village in Haiti. He left 40 men there, to be believed by Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragorn. -
Jan 1, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
Jul 8, 1497
Vasco Da Gama and his voyage
Vasco Da Gama circumnavigated Africa and arrived in China -
Jan 1, 1498
Columbus and his third voyage around Trinidad
Jan 1, 1500
The rise of capitalism
Thanks to the new discoveries the capitalism was born.
Its purpouse was to gain as money as possible with the intercontinetal trades route. The bourgeoisie's economical and political powers increase. Instead the nobles lost much of their importance. -
Jan 1, 1502
Columbus survived a hurracane
May 11, 1502
Fourth Columbus's voyage
Jan 1, 1512
Niccolò Copernico and the theory of heliocentrism
Copernico put the sun at the center of the univerise, revolutionizing the world. -
Jan 1, 1517
The Reformation
In the fifteenth century there was the famous protestant reformation, with which Martin Lutero broke the religious unity of Europe.
Look below!
The reformation -
Sep 20, 1519
Ferdinando Magellano and his voyage
Magellano started the circumnavigation of whole world but in 1521 he was killed in the Philippines. -
Jan 1, 1522
Ferdinand Magellan sailed around the american continent and across the Pacific ocean
Jan 1, 1545
The counter reformation (council in Trento)
With the counter reformation, the pope tried to twhart luthenarism and calvinsm. It end in 1563. -
American revolution
In America the english colonies gained the independence from UK. -
French revolution
The french monarchy fell and was replaced by the republic. it was issued the declaretion of human rights and citizen.